
I don't see any videos! I only see a blank white space where videos should be!

If you're not seeing any videos on the step page (e.g. there is a blank white space where a video should be), then your browser either does not natively play h.264 video (usually Firefox and IE9 and prior) and does not have Flash Player installed.

SOLUTION: Please either use a different browser (Chrome or Safari) or install Adobe Flash Player.

The video is jerky while playing!

Your connection may be too slow for the high definition video. Click the "HD" button on the bottom of the vimeo window. It should say "HD is off" and then load more quickly and play smoothly.

The video is too small to read the subtitles

You should make the videos full screen when watching classroom video. To do this, click on the full screen icon (the four arrows) to the left of the vimeo label on the bottom right. Click the "ESC" button when the video is finished to exit full screen mode.

How do I upload pictures?

You can upload images as part of a comment or discussion activity.

The following formats are supported:

  • .png
  • .jpg/.jpeg
  • .gif

The files should be 5MB or less in size. 

When they are uploaded, they will be resized to fit on the screen (about 800 pixels wide).

You can upload pictures directly from your smartphone, iPad, or tablet, as long as you are logged into the NGSX website from your device.  Just add a comment in the NGSX posting box, and then click the "attach image" icon (it looks like a landscape picture of a mountain with the sun), browse to the image on your device, and click on it.  If you are using an mobile phone, you may have to turn the phone on its side to have enough room to see the upload button to click on.

Why am I receiving a "timeout" message while trying to upload a picture?

  • If you're not on a wifi network (e.g. you're using a cell network or dialup connection), uploads may take a long time and timeout.  The maximum time allowed for uploading is 200 seconds.  If your upload times out, you can either try it again, or try reducing the size of your image before uploading again.
  • You can always take a picture and upload it later.

System Requirements

The following browsers are supported:

  • Chrome
  • FireFox
  • Safari
  • Internet Explorer 10

In addition, to use all of the features of the site:

  • Javascript needs to be enabled for navigation and login

If you are using one of these browsers...

  • Internet Explorer 6
  • Internet Explorer 7
  • Internet Explorer 8

...please install Chrome or Firefox.

What if I have a specific question about the website?

You can email the NGSX Webmaster